Certificate of Clinical Study Approval – Osteoarthritis (SRM Institute of Science and Technology)Elementor #21510

It is our great pleasure to announce that a clinical study demonstrating the efficacy of CBD in osteoarthritis has been approved and initiated. The study is being conducted on rats in India, under the guidance of SRM Institute of Science and Technology, College of Engineering and Technology, Nagar.

We will keep you updated on the progress.

Radek Hlaváček

Jeden ze zakládajících členů Kanadské společnosti Unique Therapeutics, která sídlí v Ústí nad Labem, městě kde Radek žil do svých 19 let. Jako emigrant odešel do Švýcarska a později do Kanady, kde žije se svou ženou od roku 1991. S pěstováním konopi a využití květů a extraktů z Konopi pro léčbu začal už v roce 2000 po získání MMAR Licence. (Marijuana Medical Access Regulations) To dalo základy pro dnešní Liposomálni Nano produkty na které jsme právem pyšní.

Ivana Bednářová

Ivana Bednářová má dvacetiletou zkušenost v oblasti prodeje, marketingu a public relations, kdy během své kariéry působila ve vedoucích pozicích v řadě mezinárodních firem. V rámci své vlastní marketingové a PR agentury založila a vedla několik úspěšných projektů týkající se zdravého životního stylu a mezinárodní certifikace doplňků stravy a potravin. Vystudovala Anglo American University obor ekonomie, má tři děti a mezi její koníčky patří sport, cestování a gastronomie.

Our Team

Radek Hlaváček

One of the founding members of Unique Therapeutics, a Canadian company based in Ústí nad Labem, the city where Radek lived until he was 19 years old. As an immigrant he moved to Switzerland and later to Canada, where he has lived with his wife since 1991. He started cultivating cannabis and using the flowers and extracts of Cannabis for medical purposes in 2000 after obtaining his MMAR License (Marijuana Medical Access Regulations).

Ivana Bednářová

Ivana Bednářová has twenty years of experience in sales, marketing and public relations, having held senior positions in a number of international companies during her career. Within her own marketing and PR agency, she founded and led several successful projects related to healthy lifestyle and international certification of food supplements and food. A graduate of Anglo American University with a degree in Economics, she has three children and her hobbies include sports, travel and gastronomy.

Liam Duff

As the Chief Science and Technology Officer at Unique Therapeutics, Liam is responsible for the development, testing, manufacturing and compliance of our manufacturing processes as well as day-to-day operations. Intellectual property and technology are at the core of our company Unique Therapeutics and Liam is responsible for ensuring we are always at the forefront of the most effective ways to deliver cannabinoids into the body and ensuring our quality is the best it can be.

Ranjit S. Bhardwaj

Ranjit S. Bhardwaj after having studied biomedical science in immunology, Immunobiologia del cancer e medicina regenerativa, si è specializedzzato e abilitato nel campo dell'Immunobiologia del cancro e della medicina regenerativa. Cellular and molecular pathology. Il Dr. Ranjit Bhardwaj is active in the network of doctors and prescribers of cannabis, in projects of clinical research at the university and forum of research and development in Germany and abroad, and in charge of consulting in the field of life sciences for the development of business in sector sanitario e pharmaceutico.

Jakub Kryšpín

Jakub Kryšpín is an expert in cannabis treatment. Since 2013 he has been successfully treating with the help of Phoenix Tears. Since 2021, he has continued his work in healing and scientific knowledge in cooperation with our company, focusing primarily on the treatment of oncological, but also neurodegenerative, autoimmune diseases and other diseases that somehow affect the human endocannabinoid system. Jakub has been suffering from multiple sclerosis since 2006 and was once in a wheelchair. He claims that cannabis is the most important herb on planet Earth, given its wide range of uses. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)