Why is Unique unique?
As the name suggests, our company is UNIQUE mainly thanks to the products it has developed itself.
Liposomal NANO formulations are the clear choice in today’s medicinal cannabis market for anyone who requires accurate dosing, consistency, quick effectiveness and high bioavailability from the product.
The fact that our NANO formulations are always under 50 nm in size, and with a Zeta – 5 to – 10 MV, stability makes this product one-of-a-kind in this category on the current market.

The smallest size of NANO liposomes on the market
For the production of liposomal NANO formulations, particle size is always the main goal and therefore the controlling factor.
We use the Malvern ZETASIZER Nano -ZS for such measurements.
This device is the only one on the world market that can accurately measure particles from units of nanometers. In order for the measurement to be as accurate as possible, we set 10 measurements for each measurement, which contains another 10 measurements, i.e. the resulting particle size is the average of 100 x particle size measurements.
Považujeme to za nejlepší způsob jak zajistit nejpřesnější informace o velikosti částic bez možných chybných variací měření.
Současná technologie ve vědeckém i farmaceutickém průmyslu umi běžné vyhotovit liposomálni nosiče ve velikostech 100-300 Nanometrů.
Zde platí pravidlo- čím menší, tím produkt má lepší parametry pro biodostupnost a rychlejší účinnost.
Není nám v současné době znám žádný farmaceutický výrobce ani vědecká instituce která by uměla pracovat v parametrech Unique Therapeutics.
Naše produkty jsou vždy v rozmezí 10-20 NM a ve vodním roztoku.
Zeta factor
The second important factor in the production of liposomal carriers is the stability of the solution, or “ZETA FACTOR”.
Its importance is crucial in manufacturing, without the strong electrical charge between individual particles, the particles would stick together and the liposomal formulation would disintegrate.
This measurement is carried out again already on the mentioned Malvern device. An electric charge in the range of -4 to -10 MV ensures the stability of the solution for a period of 48 months, when stored in a cold and dark place.
Who are we?
We are an approved supplier of medical cannabis products. Our company is purely Czech and is based in Ústí nad Labem. We focus on the Czech and international market.
Our Customers
We cooperate intensively with universities, pharmaceutical companies and state medical institutions.
What makes us different?
We use nanoliposomal technology to produce our products with high bioavailability and speed of action. This sets our products apart from most commercially available cannabis products.
We organize workshops
We organise educational events (online and live) on the effects of cannabis for professionals and the general public.
Backed by science
The composition of our products is inspired by evidence-based medicine.
Our brands abroad
We were the first in the world to offer cannabis products in liposomal form. We are an approved importer of medicines by the Anvisa institution for Brazil (equivalent to the State Drug Control Office).
Nanoliposomání produkty Unique Therapeutics jsem doporučil svým pacientům s Alzheimerem, RS, Parkinsonem a chronickými bolestivými syndromy.

(Praha, POLIKLINIKA I. P. Pavlova (neurologie).
U všech klientů došlo ke zlepšení stavu či stabilizaci onemocnění a nebyly pozorovány žádné nepříznivé vedlejší účinky a hodlají dále pokračovat v užívání produktů firmy Unique Therapeutics

S produkty Unique mám zkušenosti a vím, že si tyto produkty pochvaluji jak sportovci z důvodů rychlejší regenerace, tak i lidé hledající úlevu od různých typů bolesti
Jako farmaceut si dovolím připomenout, aby konzumenti jakýchkoliv doplňků stravy vždy ve svém zájmu informovali o této skutečnosti jak lékaře tak i nás farmaceuty.

Based on scientific
Our products are based on Evidence-Based Medicine (also known as EBM), which is the use of scientifically validated evidence that a physician evaluates as the appropriate way to care for patients. EBM uses current information that has not yet been anchored in traditional medicine. It is thus a treatment that uses innovative yet proven effective approaches.

Invitation to IRIS’24 Industrial Research and Innovation Summit Nov. 22.-23. 2024
We are very excited to announce that we have been invited to the Industrial Research and Innovation Summit organized by
Certificate of Clinical Study Approval – Osteoarthritis (SRM Institute of Science and Technology)Elementor #21510
It is our great pleasure to announce that a clinical study demonstrating the efficacy of CBD in osteoarthritis has been
Conference Cannabis and Science 24.4.2024
Thank you, Václav Trojan of ICRC Brno, for inviting UNIQUE THERAPEUTICS GLOBAL s.r.o. to 9th annual conference Cannabis and Science
We treat with cannabis
over 10 years
Together with our partners, we have created over 30 brands of cannabis products on the market. We have launched more than 2,150,000 daily doses on the Czech market.
Our Bisaliv product line (distributed in Brazil) is the only one based on nanoliposomal technology in cannabis treatment. This technology enables the best results and action of therapeutic products with high bioavailability and speed of action.
IV intravenous administration (in research phase) 0
Liposomal Nano Cannabinoids 0
Inhalation using Vape Pens and approved inhalers (approx.) 0
Smoking the Cannabis flower 0
Hemp oils, pills, gelatin candies (approx.) 0
Source: lyphe.com/bioavailability-and-cannabis